The Numbers You Need To Know

370% Increase

in Organic Traffic

683% Increase

in High-Quality Backlinks

(from 61 to 478)

481% Growth

in Keywords Ranked on Google

(from 44 to 256)

950% Boost

in Domain Authority

(from 2 to 21)


Industry: Medical Center Wellness and Rehab

Company Overview

West Ashley Wellness and Rehab, located in Charleston, SC, is a facility focused on improving lives through physical medicine, medical pain relief, chiropractic treatments and more. They came to us with several online challenges, and we were excited to assist them.

Company Profile

West Ashley Wellness and Rehab is a healthcare provider focused on delivering top-notch physical medicine, medical pain relief, and chiropractic treatments. Their commitment to improving patient outcomes is evident in their personalized approach and broad range of services, including weight loss and hair loss treatments. However, despite their high-quality services, they struggled with an underperforming website and poor online visibility.

Challenges Faced

West Ashley Wellness and Rehab faced significant challenges that affected their online visibility:

Unstructured Website:

The website's organization was confusing, making it hard for visitors to find information.

Low Traffic and Google Ranking:

The site was not attracting visitors and ranked poorly on Google.

Poor SEO:

The website lacked essential SEO elements both on-page and off-page.

Low Google Business Profile Reviews:

Their Google Business Profile had few reviews and limited engagement.

Google Penalties: They had received penalties from Google due to poor content quality, which further impacted their search rankings.

Solutions Implemented

We approached these challenges with a comprehensive strategy:

Website Audit and Structural Overhaul

In June 2023, we conducted a thorough audit of their website's performance. This helped us identify key areas for restructuring and optimization.

On-Page SEO Optimization

We made significant improvements to the website’s navigation and user experience, and optimized on-page elements such as meta tags, headings, and content layout.

Content Creation and Targeting

We developed extensive content targeting local and service-related keywords, focusing on their core services like weight loss, hair loss treatment, and chiropractic care.

Off-Page SEO Campaign

To enhance the site's authority and credibility, we launched an off-page SEO campaign, acquiring high-quality backlinks and citations from reputable sources.

The Results

The comprehensive strategy yielded impressive results:

Increased Domain Authority

The website's domain authority skyrocketed from a modest 2 to a robust 21.

Surge in Organic Traffic

We achieved a remarkable 370% increase in organic traffic, significantly boosting the number of visitors to the site.

Growth in Backlinks

The off-page campaign resulted in 478 high-quality backlinks, enhancing the site’s credibility and search engine ranking.

Improved Keyword Rankings

The site now ranks for 256 keywords in Google search results, providing better visibility for relevant search terms.

The Results

Our strategy delivered impressive results:

Increased Domain Authority

The website's domain authority skyrocketed from a modest 2 to a robust 21.

Surge in Organic Traffic

We achieved a remarkable 370% increase in organic traffic, significantly boosting the number of visitors to the site.

Growth in Backlinks

The off-page campaign resulted in 478 high-quality backlinks, enhancing the site’s credibility and search engine ranking.

Improved Keyword Rankings

The site now ranks for 256 keywords in Google search results, providing better visibility for relevant search terms.



Our collaboration with West Ashley Wellness and Rehab illustrates the power of a well-executed digital strategy. By addressing core issues and implementing targeted SEO techniques, we significantly enhanced their online presence and ability to attract and engage potential clients. At Local Eyes, we are proud to have played a role in helping West Ashley Wellness and Rehab achieve new heights in their digital journey.

We are a digital marketing company that is focused on driving qualified traffic and leads to your website.

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